Friday, January 25, 2008

Jehovah Was An Asshole

What bastard said what pronounced that way not forgetting the moon was in Cancer on that special occasion. Hope we feel better for this that the ugly god had pigtails why battering against the head bang south gate pretension myth. Then female insertion syndrome catches us once more and tzaddi not paying attention to much of anything arriving for no reason on the shores of Naisha with fire and water. Flying basketball like Jehovah was an asshole dumbshit child god of tantrum thunder and plagues fighting alongside the Black Brothers wallowing in Malkuth. Then thou must bow is why pride went that way like ‘sin of Lucifer’ chartered by a fuckwad English poet preaching plague and pigeons to the too-bludgeoned masses sold from the first on restriction fear of sex fear of knowledge fear in all then bow shackled spirit! Who demands the blood of his own son for what purpose why “almighty” the only way to redeem testicle licking Dog-god? Silly twit always demanding blood can’t take your own yes I dare address you so directly with cock and blade drawn and everything above this plane of the four-way street. What is thy nature what thy Tree I say by the power of the planets by the body of Nuit by the joy of Hadit by the Vengeance of Ra-Hoor-Khuit demand you reveal yourself fucking coward fucking slavemonger drop your whip and fight like a man. Power all that speaks explains history by the fish gone goopy under the hot light of inquisition avaricious poisoned dogmen of now and yore caught by the net of blackest convention restricted at the throat ‘your children’ buried deep in the hoary muds of swampy time lost bitch.

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